• 7418316440

  • kcmultispecalityhospital@gmail.com

  • Kamaraj Nagar, Avadi, Chennai – 600071


    It was started in Nov 2nd 2009 by Dr.C.Sathish Babu and Dr.Lakshmi Priya., with 15 bedded and 2 ICU Beds, full time pharmacy, Laboratory and radiology services. we have successful extended our infrastructure with high class standards to serve better service to the patients.Now we developed 40 beds which are all well equipped ventilated and full furnished. Well equipped and modern operating theater with C-ARM and Four bedded ICU which is fully equipped with latest life saving medical equipment and provide quality health care at Affordable Cost to all.
We provide treatment for various diseases under one roof without causing mental or physical stress to patients. Our Hospital runs regular out patients’ clinic on all 7 days of the week. Experienced consultants, qualified in various specialties provide consultations. Round the clock emergency care provides expert care in case of emergencies for all private patients, Insurance patients and corporate patients. 24 Hours Laboratory with all the investigatory facilities, Dialysis unit, Fire extinguisher, generators, pharmacy and Ambulance services are attached to the hospital to give comprehensive healthcare. Our Vision To bring in a “ Viable Social Enterprise ” that provides quality health care to all.

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